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General Terms of Use and Legal information
for the 

ARTICLE 1: Purpose

The purpose of these « General Terms of Use » is to set out the legal framework under which the web site and its services may be used.

This contract is between:

the internet site manager, the « Editor » Laurence Lollier, a natural person, responsible for the content of this site and its editing,

and the « User », any natural or legal person who wishes to access the site and its services.

The General Terms of Use must be accepted by all Users wishing to access the site. By accessing the site, Users indicate their acceptance of the General Terms of Use.


ARTICLE 2: Legal information


For legal persons:

The site is edited by Laurence Lollier, a self-employed person registered with the Companies’ Register (RCS) of Grasse under SIRET number: 823 722 921 00025 and APE code: 9609Z (other personal services), in the hypnotherapy business, headquartered at 20 rue Maréchal Foch 06250 Mougins FRANCE.

The company is represented by Laurence Lollier.

The is edited by Laurence Lollier, residing at 20 rue Maréchal Foch 06250 MOUGINS FRANCE.


Web site host:

The web site is hosted by: Inc., also known as "Wix,"
headquartered at 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158, USA

Phone: +1 415-639-9034. 


ARTICLE 3: Access to services

The web site is accessible from any location in which Users have internet access. All charges borne by Users to access the web site (Internet connection, computer equipment, etc.) are the responsibility of the Users.

Access to the web site and its various services may be subject to interruption or suspension by the Editor, including for maintenance, at any time, without prior notice or justification.

ARTICLE 4: User’s Responsibility

Users are solely responsible for any use of the information and contents available on the site.

Any use of the services by Users that gives rise directly or indirectly to a prejudice must be subject to compensation paid to the site.


ARTICLE 5: Editor’s Responsibility

The Editor cannot be held liable for any malfunction of the computer network or the server hosting the site.

Likewise, the site cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure events or in the case of some unforeseen or insurmountable problem with a third-party.

The site undertakes to implement all means necessary to provide the best possible data security and confidentiality conditions. However, the Editor cannot guarantee that data will be transmitted under optimal security and confidentiality.

Even though sources of information published on the site are deemed to be reliable, the Editor provides no guarantees as to the reliability of such sources.

ARTICLE 6: Intellectual Property

Content on the site (logos, texts, graphical elements, videos, etc.) is protected by the French intellectual property code and copyright law.

Users must seek prior authorization from the Editor for any reproduction, copying or publication of the site’s published content.

Users shall not use these contents for private purposes; any use of the content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

Users are solely responsible for any content they publish online. Users undertake to refrain from publishing online any content that may adversely affect the interests of third-party persons.

The site Editor reserves the right to freely remove or moderate any user content, at any time and without justification.

ARTICLE 7: Personal Data

The User is required to provide personal information to register on the site.

The User’s electronic address (e-mail) may be used by the site to communicate various information and for account management purposes.

The site ensures the User’s privacy in compliance with the Law of January 6, 1978, referred to as the "Law on Information Technology and Civil Liberties", that pertain to information technology, databases and civil liberties.

The User is entitled to access, make corrections to, delete his data or opt out under articles 39 and 40 of the Law of January 6, 1978. The User exercises his or her right with either means of contact:

      The contact form on the web site

      An email sent to

By post at: 20 rue Maréchal Foch 06250 MOUGINS FRANCE.

ARTICLE 8: Hyperlinks

The Editor of the site has no control over domains to which hyperlinks on the site lead. Therefore, the Editor of is in no way responsible for content related to those domains.

It is permissible to create a link to a page on the site without the express authorization of the Editor.


ARTICLE 9: Modification of Terms

The site reserves the right to change the provisions set out in this contract at any time and without justification.


ARTICLE 10: Duration

This contract is subject to an unlimited duration. The contract takes effect with respect to the User from the time the service is first used.


ARTICLE 11: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This contract is governed by the applicable French legislation.

In the event of a dispute that cannot be settled amicably between the User and the Editor, the courts in Grasse, France, have sole jurisdiction.



General Terms of Use and Legal Information posted on 11/02/2020.

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